Media Personality and KSL address Real Estate Fraud in Utah
Released on = November 5, 2006, 7:58 am
Press Release Author = Perfect Home Living
Industry = Real Estate
Press Release Summary = Utah ranks second in the nation for Mortgage Fraud
Press Release Body = Salt Lake City, Utah / Press Release --While families across the state and around the world hold vigilance for the recently separated Herrin twins, even more the world\'s eye remains steadfast on another breaking story concerning Utah.
On August 15th, media personality and KSL Reporter Shelley Osterloh was first to report what Perfect Home Living initially warned about in 2005, that Utah is amongst the Worst in the Nation for Mortgage Fraud.
Although recent reporting of Utah\'s housing market would suggest that Utah is experiencing phenomenal housing appreciation, the reality is that Utah has steadily moved into the number two spot in the nation for mortgage fraud according to the MARI Index.
\"Mortgage fraud is a burgeoning crime that is affecting more companies and communities. The most recent statistics from the FBI indicate that there was a seven fold increase in reports of mortgage fraud - from over 3,000 in FY 1999 to almost 22,000 in FY 2005. The FBI also reports that Federally-regulated institutions alone reported over one billion dollars in losses due to mortgage fraud in FY 2005,\" says Jonathan L. Kempner, President and Chief Executive Officer of Mortgage Asset Research Institute (MARI).
According to MARI\'s Index the top five states for mortgage fraud are: Florida, Utah, Georgia, Colorado and Illinois.
\"KSL\'s dedication and concern for Utah and her consumers remains unwavering and it shows by the network\'s courage and commitment to bring such an important issue to the forefront,\" says Perfect Home Living\'s CEO and Utah Real Estate Broker, Sheri Fitzpatrick. \"Through the years, KSL Nightly and Evening News has been the first to report on so many of Utah\'s important issues and Shelley\'s first class reporting has come through once again,\" Fitzpatrick added.
About Perfect Home Living
Perfect Home Living assists in implementing programs and providing training to financial lenders as well as educating Utah\'s consumers and licensed professionals to red flags within Utah\'s real estate market. For more information or to request assistance please visit us online at:
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Contact Details = Perfect Home Living INC 1905 West 4700 South # 353 Salt Lake City, UT 84118 Email: Tel: 801.668.3952 Fax: 801.528.3321
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